From Foster Care to Prison to Redemption with Steven Snook

Hello, my name is Steven Snook and I am the owner and creator of Jesus Speaks LLC. You are about to embark on an incredible journey as you read about my miraculously transformed life and become a part of the Jesus Speaks mission. This is my story.

When I was born in 1976, my mother was only 15 years old and I was her second child. She was living on her own and in such extreme poverty that she put my brother and me by the side of a road and called the police to come and get us. 

I was sent to Illinois to live with an aunt. She was a waitress and married violent alcoholics. This life was full of abuse and poverty. So the foundation of my life was laid. Abuse, poverty, alcoholism and drug addiction.

By the time I was 15 years old, I was selling marijuana. As time went on I graduated into harder drugs. I had become the fruit of my environment. Soon I went to live on my own and sell drugs full time. I was no stranger to trouble or law enforcement. By the time I turned 21, I was completely entrenched in the criminal lifestyle. I ended up getting sent to prison for 3 years because of a case involving my 17 year old girlfriend.   

Upon my release at the age of 24, I was still lost in the world of drug and alcohol addiction. Then at 26 years old, I got arrested with drugs again and was sent to prison, this time my sentence was for 22 years. The story of a ruined life from birth.

But Jesus had a different plan! I was radically saved and born again in 2003. My life with God has been an incredible one. Full of miracles and amazing stories, I became a preacher of the gospel to men in prisons all over the United States. I had gone from being a drug addict to a drug and alcohol counselor. God was using me to reach inmates that could not be reached by any psychologist or correctional staff. After 19 years of such an adventurous life with God, I was finally released. Not a healed man, but a truly resurrected man!

At this point I probably should back up a bit and talk about the reason we are here, the Jesus Speaks LLC mission.  Five years before my release, I spent over a year in solitary confinement, where my life became a series of long periods of fasting and prayer. During this time I wrote the book, “Extraordinary Solitude”, with a 3 inch pen and some scrap paper. The stories in that book have already been changing lives for Jesus.  Two years before my release, The Lord came to me in a dream and showed me the product that you now see on this website. He even showed me how to make it work!!  Just imagine, He was showing this to a man that had not been exposed to modern technology for almost 20 years!

Since my release, I started Jesus Speaks LLC with the idea that, if God is for us, nothing can stop us. I am determined to put more scriptures into homes and offices. My story has already been featured on over 10 podcasts stretching from California to New Jersey. I have had multiple speaking engagements at colleges, including Bradley University. Jesus Speaks LLC has an office at the Peoria NEXT Innovation Center, 801 W. Main St. Peoria, Il. 61606.

I would love for you to be a part of this journey with us. The mission and this moment is bigger than all of us and will provide help to more people than we will ever know. Be blessed.


Steven Snook     

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About the author

I am a father to 7 children, foster dad to 20 or so kids. I've got this blog and a podcast with my wife Amanda.

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