Foster Care - we are the village

Travis, a foster and adoptive parent

resides in Fayetteville, Tennessee, and is a jack of all trades. He preaches, coaches, teaches, parents, and finds a way to still rock the social media world. He is married to Whitney and they have two awesome kiddos, Hailee and Daniel. Travis has worked with the Riverside Church of Christ and Riverside Christian Academy for 13 years. He is the pulpit minister for the church and the head football coach and the chaplain for the school. His most recent accomplishment is beating the dog mess out of Leukemia. His diagnosis, battle, and remission have further inspired him to share the message of Christ and hope with the world. That struggle directly resulted in the Helping Healing Humor Podcast. 

As members of the foster and adoptive parent club, we are happy to let provide space for Travis and Whitney to share their stories with you!

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Foster Care: An Unparalleled Journey

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