Category: Foster Care

Heal Thrive Dream with Karen Robinson, LCSW

Episode Description Karen Robinson, MSW, ACSW, LCSW Trauma Recovery Expert I’m a licensed therapist with 24 years of clinical experience specializing in trauma recovery, anxiety, and depression. I provide holistic care to create transformation and healing for trauma survivors. Heal Thrive Dream Podcast Foster Care: An Unparalleled Journey Find All Our Links Here…Read more

How to parent a child with trauma

baby crying

According to the American Psychological Association, trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer-term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.  While these feelings are normal, some people have…Read more

Siblings in foster care


When Amanda and I first started doing foster care we noticed that there were a lot of sibling groups compared to single kids that needed a home. As time went on, we fostered almost exclusively sibling groups. As I think back I can only remember about 3 of the 20 or so kids that we…Read more

6 Things that foster parents do every day!

Provide a safe environment Provide the necessities of life Watch for any signs of special needs Help educate and mentor biological families Love Strength Provide a safe environment First and foremost, as a foster parent safety is of paramount importance. Having a home where the fear of being in danger of violent encounters and being…Read more

How long does it take to foster to adopt?

The process of adoption through the foster care system can be anywhere from fairly simple to time-consuming and complex.  The short answer is that the foster to adopt process can take 6 months (plus the time for filing court documents), all the way up to 28 months if you are the first placement for a…Read more

Can a working parent foster kids?

The truth is that there are very few things that we can’t make work in our lives. If you are pulled or led, or if you feel driven towards helping a specific group – you can make it work. I am not saying it will not be hard. Most likely it will not be “Mother Theresa ministering to the dying souls of Calcutta” hard. Doing things that are worth doing are almost always hard, but the reason we do hard things is that it is worth it!