Eric was in foster care for 3 1/2 years between the ages of 10 1/2 and 14 years old.
While in foster care he found some great male role models that offered him the opportunity to learn all about boundaries and discipline – even if he didn’t consider it an opportunity at the time!
While learning to deal with a deep sense of lonliness, he also had to face his own self limiting beliefs and filters through which he had built some faulty belief systems. His foster family gave him a chance to experience love and resilience, while overcoming abandonment issues and developing his sense of independence.
As he became a man he was no longer willing to push everyone away and live in the old stories that caused pain and didn’t serve him any more. As a result of that journey he has been sober for 2 years now and has committed to breaking the cycle of hurt and abandonment.
Today he is looking to add value to the lives of others as he is intentionally looking for older men to learn from as well as honoring the elders in his life!
His passion has become helping young men to understand that there is a healthy masculinity that serves everyone, and overcoming the culture of toxic masculinity that has pervaded our society.

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