Foster Care in Texas with Drs Hailey and Megan Arnold

Dr. Hailey Arnold is a chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner; however, she is best described as an entrepreneur. Constantly finding solutions to problems, Dr. Arnold spends her days formulating nutritional products and genetic tests for children of all ages. She is married to Dr. Megan. They are both doctors and moms of two toddlers and a beagle. Being moms who are in the foster to adopt world, it was quite a shock! Their two kiddos, who Megan swears are part tornado and part snuggle bug. 

Personally, Megan has tried to conceive and was unsuccessful. She has seen the nutrition issues and heartache that result from that process. Hailey is a two-time uterine cancer survivor and has been rebuilt, so to speak, in her remission. 

All of these personal experiences contribute to her story and aid in propelling them forward in pursuit of not only personal health but also the health of children and growing families.

She is an active clinician, educator, public speaker, and published author.  With a passion for neurosensory differences and autoimmunity, Dr. Arnold has created multiple businesses that allow children to get healthy naturally. She believes long-term health truly starts in childhood, and she seeks to educate children (and their parents) in ways that help them make the best decisions about wellness. 

This is her website:



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About the author

I am a father to 7 children, foster dad to 20 or so kids. I've got this blog and a podcast with my wife Amanda.

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