This Is Me I Am Adopted with Fiona Myles

This is me Fiona Myles, born in the mid-60s. I’m married to the amazing Brian a gorgeous redhead. We have one daughter Georgie and a son Connor.

Manchester has been our home for the past 18 years, a fabulous metropolis full of energy and history.

I started writing and telling stories from a fairly young age. My Mum bought me a typewriter when I was eight or nine years old. I battered away at that little typewriter day in and day out. Life moved on and the typewriter was laid to rest.

Fast forward 45 years and the laptop becomes my new typewriter. My passion as an author and blogger was reignited with a strong desire to bring hope in an awful period of time called “Lockdown.” Visit the website HERE

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About the author

I am a father to 7 children, foster dad to 20 or so kids. I've got this blog and a podcast with my wife Amanda.

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