They Took My Baby! with Tina Fumo

Tina is the first-born child of Italian immigrants. Her home growing up was busy, loud, and had the best meals known to mankind. Though Italian was her first language, Tina became an A+ student all through grammar, high school and eventually continued her education at Ryerson in Toronto. She moved west then spent the bulk of her young life in Banff where she became a mom, raised her child, and worked for 30 years. After living for a few years with the ’empty nest’ Tina met her future husband and moved to Edmonton. Though not the biological grandfather of Tina’s newborn grandchild, her husband bonded with the baby in his own way. Whereas Tina and her daughter experienced an emotional roller coaster of trauma and joy when dealing with MCFD (ministry of child & family development) it was her husband who was the rock throughout it all and made the decision to return to BC to face the social workers in court.

 An instinctual pull as old as time – a grandmother wanting to hold her newborn grandchild – pulls readers into an unbelievable ordeal. Author Tina Fumo travels to a small BC town and finds herself in the most stressful situation of her life. The ‘authorities’ have apprehended her two-week-old grandbaby and what she and her family go through to get their baby back will absolutely shock you. Her book, Fancy Prison, will surely make you cry. Maybe even laugh. But make no mistake, what you find out, in the end, will make you shake your head and wonder if this is even Canada anymore?

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About the author

I am a father to 7 children, foster dad to 20 or so kids. I've got this blog and a podcast with my wife Amanda.

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