Finding Bio Family After Adoption with Navy Commander Theresa Carpenter

Theresa Carpenter is an active-duty Navy Commander who has served for the past 25 years. Her passions include helping military women succeed and the professional development of the craft of public relations. As an introspective writer, she muses about the human experience for her blog, Theresa’s Tapestries. Tapping into her love of storytelling through the visual medium, she runs a YouTube channel with her husband where they share their experiences with saving money, DIY projects, traveling, and enjoying time together. Her latest endeavor launched last April is her podcast S.O.S (Stories of Service), which features ordinary people from all walks of life who show up in service to their communities. She is also the best-selling co-author of Complicated Alliances, which tells the stories and struggles of women who serve in the military and those married to one who serves. She lives in Norfolk, Virginia with her husband Harry and their Boxer dog Jayda, who also has her own social media presence on Instagram. 

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About the author

I am a father to 7 children, foster dad to 20 or so kids. I've got this blog and a podcast with my wife Amanda.

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