Raising Other People’s Children with Debbie Ausburn

Debbie Ausburn is a social worker turned lawyer who has served as a house parent, foster parent, criminal prosecutor of crimes against children, and stepparent.  She now advises, and defends youth-serving organizations.  She is the author of Raising Other People’s Children: What Foster Parenting Taught Me About Bringing Together a Blended Family.You can follow Debbie’s blog at OtherPeoplesChildren.org.

You can find her website at https://www.debbieausburn.com/

Her publisher website is at https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/666354/raising-other-peoples-children-by-debbie-ausburn-foreword-by-dr-natalie-ford/

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About the author

I am a father to 7 children, foster dad to 20 or so kids. I've got this blog and a podcast with my wife Amanda.

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